Your Wild Soul Reflection
Connect with "Your Wild Soul Reflection", hosted by Intuitive Astrologer/Visionary, Musician/ Sound Alchemist and Tarot Guide, MaeRuth McCants Ph.D. Express your Inner Wise Self by journeying to the land of your own fantastic imagination. Listen to the genius of your intuition. Be inspired by the the most unique person there is, "You". We'll explore, being empowered and guided by intuitive insights of astrology, tarot and the number codes. We're going to venture into the wonderful world of sound immersion, while tuning up our lives with the "music of the planets". Yes, it's time to walk the "Mythical Magical Alchemy Soul Path Way".
Your Wild Soul Reflection
New Moon in Scorpio: Claim Your Magic, Power and Wisdom: Step Out of the Shadow into Your Own Light
My Dearest Listener, I realize this episode is really kind of long, but I'm trusting that you will gain some insight and value from my extended Scorpio discussion.
What is it about this New Moon in Scorpio that is different from other lunar cycles of the moon? With this Scorpio New Moon there's a major opportunity to witness how numerology can help us understand the planetary shifts. A new moon happens when the Sun and Moon are conjunct, meaning that they are totally leaning on one another. For this conjunction they are at 9 degrees. In numerology 9 is the conclusion of the single digit numbers.
This nine helps us to understand that something is coming to an end, as well as noting other patterns that give us the number 1 in pattern, new beginnings. Scorpio is the sign that tell us where change has to take place. The past is done!
Through the keywords or death, transformation, transmutation and rebirth, we find the Scorpio path. With a New Moon in Scorpio, each of us is called to recognize and acknowledge those aspects of ourselves that are most hidden from view.
What I am referring to is the "secret self" that is pushed into the far corners of consciousness. In this episode, I talk about what happens when parts of lives are separated and disconnected from the wholeness of "Self-Love" In essence, when we are taught, shamed, bullied, and made to feel "not good enough", we become less than our unique and brilliant selves.
So, the sign of Scorpio arrives on the scene, and if we are willing to take an inward journey, deep into the realm of the seeming darkness and shadow lands of fear, rage and any other negative and mean-spirited descriptions of self, while confronting all the false narratives and self denial stories, we are guaranteed a treasure. Since you are a massive "Diamond", it means that it'll be necessary to gain self-mastery to mine and bring your "Diamondness" to the world.
The planetary guides and rulers of Scorpio, planets Mars and Pluto the co-guidance team, will help you learn how to claim your self-worth, gain understanding of your own powerful ability to change what does not serve you.
Find Scorpio in your chart, the treasure. Claim your self-awareness, wisdom, power to transform and be the co-creator of your Soul expression.
Symbols: Scorpion, Eagle, or mythical Phoenix Bird? Be Your Magic for You.
Let's have an Astrology Conversation. I look forward to seeing you. Now is the time.
I am proud to announce my new offering as a Certified Creative
Depth Coach. As a Creative Depth Coach, I provide guidance, support and soul insights on how to discover, explore and navigate your life by recognizing your magnificent "Creative Genius".
Some of my modalities and Soul tools are "Art as Process" EFT Tapping, Sound and Music for Inner Journeying , using the wisdom of Astrology, Tarot, Oracle and Numerology. l
Enjoy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Drumming Video:
"Calling The Wild", Original Music by MaeRuth McCants