Your Wild Soul Reflection
Connect with "Your Wild Soul Reflection", hosted by Intuitive Astrologer/Visionary, Musician/ Sound Alchemist and Tarot Guide, MaeRuth McCants Ph.D. Express your Inner Wise Self by journeying to the land of your own fantastic imagination. Listen to the genius of your intuition. Be inspired by the the most unique person there is, "You". We'll explore, being empowered and guided by intuitive insights of astrology, tarot and the number codes. We're going to venture into the wonderful world of sound immersion, while tuning up our lives with the "music of the planets". Yes, it's time to walk the "Mythical Magical Alchemy Soul Path Way".
Your Wild Soul Reflection
On the Jupiter Visioning Journey Trail with MaeRuth and Kathy: Learn Where the Wisdom and Good Fortune Are In Your Astrology Chart
As we continue this "Jupiter Visioning Journey", we have an opportunity to travel using the power sound as it shifts our vibrational frequencies. In this episode, I'm in conversation with Kathy, my friend sister and co-guide for this Jupiter adventure.
The biggest takeaway is to ask yourself the question, where is Jupiter transiting in your natal chart? Where is there a chance to go deeper into aspects of your life where you can make immense and benefit changes for yourself? Wherever Jupiter is positioned, is where very big shifts in perspective will take place.
The really important conditions that have to be met, are centered on have clear intentions, cleaning and releasing behaviors, attitudes, beliefs and emotional confusion that are at odds with who you really are.
Jupiter presents a path for learning and being aware of how telling the truth to one's self is the key to bringing greater success, fortune, peace, love and harmony into your life. The "Visioning" part of the Jupiter Journey is recognizing that we are each living the life that we have created. We are each creators with the "Source" however your refer or conceive of the Life Principle.
Please listen to this episode, perhaps a couple of times because Kathy and I are really talking about how we go about aligning with your own unique presence in daily life, as well as how we each emanate a presence throughout the "Cosmo-Verse"( I love creating new word combinations).
Jupiter in Gemini is helping us to journey into new ways of communicating, first with ourselves and second, we are gathering greater insight into how we must learn to live in the collective, with one another on this planet----our Gaia, Mother Nature, Home Planet-Earth.
Let the ideas that we offer be a guide. Step into your greater story. Yesterday's story of who you were, can be a fond memory. How can it help you be present for yourself in the now?
Let's travel together. Your Astrology Chart is your absolutely perfect "Map" for this adventure. Let's Enjoy the trail.
Let's have an Astrology Conversation. I look forward to seeing you. Now is the time.
I am proud to announce my new offering as a Certified Creative
Depth Coach. As a Creative Depth Coach, I provide guidance, support and soul insights on how to discover, explore and navigate your life by recognizing your magnificent "Creative Genius".
Some of my modalities and Soul tools are "Art as Process" EFT Tapping, Sound and Music for Inner Journeying , using the wisdom of Astrology, Tarot, Oracle and Numerology. l
Enjoy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Drumming Video:
"Calling The Wild", Original Music by MaeRuth McCants