Your Wild Soul Reflection

A Mini-Series: The Spring Equinox Journey, #10, "Inspire": Awaken the Magic in Your Own Life and Create A New Beginning For Yourself

MaeRuth McCants

As I've been musing and reflecting on this episode, of Bindi's  "Soul Whispers" word for today, "Inspire", I must say it has given me a jaunty feeling that makes me want to dance.  Inspire carries a vibrationally heart-centered frequency.

I'm  sharing in this episode a few of the things in life that inspire me.  As quiet as kept, I am the kind of person who is inspired by life Herself.   Yes, I probably have a bit of "Pollyanna" in my personality.  What else is new for a Sun sign Pisces.

Mainly though,  I'm sharing the idea that we  could all benefit by being inspired by embracing the wonder and beauty, that is part of  everyday life.   Ah, yes, the thought probably crossed your mind, and the (un)inspired projection about the utter darkness, chaos and destruction happening around the world,  leaps into your mind's eye.

The word, "Inspire" is actually our way out of the "de-evolution" that has gripped a sizeable part of the collective consciousness  of humanity.

Yours and my contributions for making this a better world, is to gather as many things as possible which "inspire" us.  Why?  Our collective "inspire frequencies  are what will change this world.  We have the power to shift and create something totally wonderful, new and earth-shaking.   Be Inspired!

Today's Episode
What's On Your "Inspire" Celebration List?

Find Out  About Your Astrology Chart:
   The yearly Solar Return Chart (birthday chart) is especially useful for gaining awareness of what, and how to navigate  your year.  Learn how particular signs, planets, eclipses, retrogrades, and the cosmic whether will affect you this year.

 If you have a desire to finally create more self-understanding, success, financial abundance, and manifests your heart's desires,  your astrology Soul blueprint offers unique answers and a customized design  just for you. 

I am Ready to Guide Your Astrology Journey
Contact MaeRuth:

My Ko-fi Page:

Contact Bindi:

Let's have an Astrology Conversation. I look forward to seeing you. Now is the time.

I am proud to announce my new offering as a Certified Creative
Depth Coach.
As a Creative Depth Coach, I provide guidance, support and soul insights on how to discover, explore and navigate your life by recognizing your magnificent "Creative Genius".

Some of my modalities and Soul tools are "Art as Process" EFT Tapping, Sound and Music for Inner Journeying , using the wisdom of Astrology, Tarot, Oracle and Numerology. l

Enjoy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Drumming Video:

"Calling The Wild", Original Music by MaeRuth McCants